• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Pro-Eelam lobby claims credit for Paisley probe


A British Parliamentarian made an emotional apology in the House of Commons on Thursday for failing to acknowledge two family holidays funded by the Sri Lankan government in 2013. This came after a British Parliamentary inquiry found him guilty of engaging in “paid advocacy”.

Ian Paisley Jr, representing the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland, has been suspended for 30 days from the House of Commons for his failure after the House of Commons Committee on Standards recommended the suspension. Mr. Paisley Jr said his failure to acknowledge the Sri Lankan holiday trips was a “genuine mistake” and total failure while noting “I accept the report but I do so regret its sanctions”.

The inquiry found that the two Sri Lanka trips which included business class air travel sponsored by SriLankan Airlines, first class accommodation at top hotels, and helicopter tours to tourist destinations “provided a very substantial personal benefit to Mr Paisley and his family”.

The inquiry has also established that Mr Paisley Jr breached the House’s rule on paid advocacy (lobbying in return for reward or consideration) by writing to the British Prime Minister on March 19, 2014 to lobby against supporting a UN resolution on Sri Lanka. Britain’s active pro-Eelam lobby claimed credit for calling for an inquiry on Mr. Paisley by the House of Commons Committee.

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