• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

RTI before Parliament on June 21


The draft Right to Information (RTI) Bill will be presented to Parliament on June 21, the Government announced today. Minister of Parliamentary Reforms and Mass Media, Gayantha Karunatilake made the announcement at today's Cabinet media briefing in Colombo. 

The Government had earlier presented the draft bill to Parliament in March. However, following legal challenges in the Supreme Court, the Court determined that five clauses of the bill violated several articles of the present Constitution and would require a 2/3 majority in Parliament. The Court also determined that the bill could be passed with a simple majority if steps were taken to amend the clauses that were in violation of the Constitution. 

The Government subsequently formed a committee to study the said clauses and introduce amendments to the draft bill. Accordingly, Minister Karunatilake announced that the draft bill was now formally ready and will be presented to Parliament on June 21. 

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