• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Schoolboy driver causes serious trishaw-motorbike accident


Three persons, including a woman were injured when a three-wheeler allegedly driven by a schoolboy who did not possess a valid driver's license crashed head-on into a motorbike at Atampawala, Hemathagama this morning. 

Police said the motorbike had attempted to overtake a Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) bus which was waiting to take in schoolchildren when the bus driver had observed a three-wheeler driven at highspeed approaching from the opposite side. The driver had signalled to the three-wheeler driver to slow down. However, the three-wheeler had continued its approach and had struck the motorbike head-on as the driver was unable to stop in time. 

Three persons were injured in the accident. The two people on the motorbike, a policeman and his wife, sustained severe injuries in the crash. The schoolboy who drove the three-wheeler was also injured. They were admitted to the Hemmathagama hospital. The female victim was later transferred to Gampola hospital for further treatment. 

Area residents complain that many individuals who don't possess valid driver's licenses frequently drive along this stretch of road.  They appeal to authorities to take immediate steps to clamp down on such activities and ensure that incidents such as this don't occur again. 

Hemmathagama police are investigating. 

Story and Pix by Saman Vijaya Bandara - Mawanella

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