• Last Update 2024-08-31 22:06:00

Security has not been compromised, says President


President Maithripala Sirisena rejected allegations that the Government had allowed the security situation in the country to deteriorate.

He said the country’s defence remained a top priority of the Government and even though the war ended ten years ago, the Defence Ministry was given the largest allocation in the Budget.

“We keep our armed forces on alert and we take all measures necessary to keep them strong,” the President told a media briefing today.

He said the Navy recently received a warship from the United States as a gift and several other big countries had extended support to strengthen Sri Lanka’s armed forces, while Sri Lankan troops were being sent for advanced training in the US, Britain, China, India and Pakistan.

He said the security forces had received worldwide recognition as professional and disciplined force -- a fact that had been underscored by the participation of Sri Lankan troops in United Nations peacekeeping operations worldwide.

Dismissing allegations that the Government was removing military camps from the north, undermining or ignoring the security needs, the President said most of the military camps that were being relocated were those set up when the army was advancing in the north in its fight against the LTTE.

“When the security forces advanced, they had to take over private lands and even schools to set up temporary military facilities.  After the war, the situation is different. We have to think in terms of peace and national reconciliation without compromising on security,” the President said.

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