• Last Update 2024-09-02 10:49:00

Sri Lankan immigrant family supporters appeal to Australian Home Affairs Minister Dutton


Biloela residents trying to bring home a Sri Lankan family taken from their central Queensland town have delivered a petition with more than 98,000 signatures to Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

According to SBS News, Angela Fredericks delivered the petition to Mr Dutton's Strathpine office in Brisbane's north on Friday, two months after Tamils Priya and Nadesalingam and their two Australian-born children were placed in detention.

"We are never going to stop caring about this family. We are not going to let this go away," Ms Fredericks told AAP on Friday.

The family remain in limbo as they wait for a decision on whether they will be deported.

Priya's case went before the Federal Circuit Court in Melbourne on May 1 with Judge Caroline Kirton's judgment set to be handed down at a later date.

Lawyers are seeking a ministerial intervention into Nadesalingam's case which has already gone through the high court.

The family remain in detention in Melbourne, more than 1800km away from their Queensland home.

"I think the stress is taking its toll, you can hear they are getting weary," Ms Fredericks said.

"It's now been 75 days - you can see the psychological trauma is starting to happen."

The couple are in detention with their two girls, three-year-old Kopika and baby Tharunicaa.

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