• Last Update 2024-09-13 20:57:00

Tobacco and Alcohol Bill inconsistent with the Constitution


The National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (Amendment) Bill was presented in Parliament by Health and Indigenous Medicine Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne yesterday. 

Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody said that the Supreme Court had informed the Speaker that the Bill is not inconsistent with the Constitution. The Bill will be taken up and passed in Parliament on a future date.

The urgent Bill is to amend the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act No 27 of 2006 to introduce pictorial health warning covering an area of 80 percent on both sides of the cover of every packet, package or carton containing cigarettes and other tobacco products.

According to the Bill, any person who contravenes the provisions is liable to either one year imprisonment or Rs. 50,000 fine or both. 

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