• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Two crocodiles captured in Vavuniya


Two crocodiles who had wandered into areas inhabited by humans were captured and released by wildlife officials in Vavuniya. One crocodile had entered a home while another had fallen into a well. 

A crocodile who had entered a home of a village in Sithambarapuram in Vavuniya was captured by inmates of the house who informed the Vavuniya office of the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Officials subsequently arrived and took the crocodile away and set it free into the Madhu Forest Reserve. 

Meanwhile, another crocodile was spotted fallen inside a common well near the Puliyankulam Pudur Kovil by a group of army personnel. They informed the Vavuniya DWC office. Wildlife officials, together with assistance from army personnel, drained the water from the well and managed to rescue the crocodile. It too was released into the Madhu Forest Reserve. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka 

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