• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

University ragging: Offenders warned of ten-year jail term


With the continuing menace of ragging plaguing the state university system, the University Grants Commission and the Ministry of Higher Education this week placed half page newspaper advertisements warning students of serious consequences if they indulge in ragging.
The notice has been addressed to all students and parents of state universities and higher education institutes. It brings to their notice the provisions of the Prohibition of Ragging and Other forms of Violence in Educational Institutions Act No: 20 of 1988. Offences under this act are non bailable and carry sentences up to 10 years rigorous imprisonment.
Ragged students have been asked to contact the UGC immediately or call the 24-hour hotline 2123700. If the environment is not conducive to make a direct complaint, victims are advised to visit the special centre established at the UGC in person to lodge such complaints.

Read more Cafe Spectator

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