• Last Update 2024-09-02 14:49:00

Venerable Daranagama Kusaladhamma thera passing an " irreparable loss" TNA leader


Leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and leader of the Opposition R.Sampanthan in a condolence message said that the passing away of Venerable Daranagama Kusaladhamma thera who had genuinely identified the importance of national reconciliation in Sri Lanka, is an irreparable loss to the whole country.

  He said that the Venerable Kusaladhamma thera who is the Chief Incumbent of the Sri Sambodhi Viharaya, Colombo and the Sri Sambodhi Community Development Foundation in London had made a great effort to propagate Buddhism by introducing “The Buddhist” radio and TV channels to give publicity to the Dhamma programs all over the world.

“Whenever natural disasters were experienced in the country, the Thera played a major role in assisting victims irrespective of their race and region,” the Opposition Leader noted.

He added that the Thera also made a significant enthusiasm to spread the use of organic agro products among the people with the intention of improving their quality of life.


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