• Last Update 2024-09-10 23:01:00

Will not allow to topple Govt by coup: Maithri


President Maithripala Sirisena said in Jaffna that he would not allow the government to be toppled by unconstitutional conspiracies and it could only be done by people’s mandate at an election.

"Some extremist groups dreaming of capturing power stating that the national security has been compromised and Prime Minister and I will not allow such conspirators to be successful", he said addressing the National Christmas Function held at the Jaffna Municipal Stadium yesterday.

"I invite the people who hold media conferences in Colombo and accuse that national security has been compromised to visit Jaffna to see with their own eyes the reasons for the war", the President said and added that he would even provide them transport to visit Jaffna.

President Sirisena said without abusing the freedom of expression provided to talk in Parliament and through media today, they should use it to promote peace, harmony and reconciliation by shunning petty party politics. They should rally around to work towards progress and eradication of poverty and to ensure that there would not be another war in this country, he said.

“The government will take steps to solve the problems faced by the displaced persons within six months and will appoint a Special task Force for that purpose,” the President said.

He added that he would take steps to strengthen national security and ensure that there would not be another war in the country. He added that peace is essential for the people of the South and the North to live together in harmony.

The people of the south, west, north and east elected this government together and I am committed to fulfill their expectation within the next few years, he said.

The Apostolic Ambassador Rev Pierre Nuyen, Jaffna Archbishop Justin Bernard Gnanaprasagam, and Christian fathers, Minister John Amaratunge, Governor S M G H Palihakkara, Chief Minister C V Wigneshwaran, Deputy Ministers Arundika Fernando and Vijayakala Maeshwaran, Angajan Ramanathan, M P and other guests were present on this occasion.

In the afternoon, President Sirisena called on Jaffna Archbishop Justin Bernard Gnanaprasagam at the Archbishop House in Jaffna, where the President was blessed by the Archbishop.



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