• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Cricket: 34th TTSC Sixes on October 15


The 34th Travel Trade Sports Club Hardball Six-a-side Cricket Tournament 2016, sponsored by Cinnamon Grand Colombo for the 5th successive year will be held on October 15 at Thurstan College Grounds commencing 8.30am. 

Entries have been called from the TTSC Membership and will close with Verbina Francke, C/o Cinnamon Lakeside, Colombo 2 on October 10. 

In the previous tournament held on November 28 last year at the BRC grounds, Cinnamon Red won the title for the first time, beating SriLankan Airlines in the bowl out contest.

The tournament was interrupted by rain and bad light during the afternoon.

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