Hamud Modeen Bibi of Badulusirigama, in Badulla had never been admitted to a hospital for treatment and the only time she did enter one, she came out without her legs.
The 60-year-old woman who was admitted to the Badulla hospital after suffering from a severe diarrhoea related her ordeal. She said on the persuasion of her children she went to hospital where she was told that she was having a virul infection. She was admitted and administered saline as the diarrhoea did not settle down.
Hamud Modeen Bibi being helped by one
of her sons |
However, she claims that once the diarrhoea stopped she had a lot of pain in her legs and she even fainted. She was then kept in the hospital for more than 20 days when her feet and hands started to swell. Once she returned home she said a stench started to emanate from her feet and she channelled a doctor privately. She was then once again referred to hospital where she was told that her legs were infected and they would have to be amputated to save her life.
She says she is now forced to depend on her children for everything and claims that it was negligence on the part of the hospital that led to the amputation. She says she wants to sue the hospital but poverty has stopped has stopped her from doing so.
However a specialist at Badulla general hospital Dr. Lalith Abeywardene said amputation was the only option as she suffered from a rare blood condition peculiar to her.
The victim is in need of a wheel chair and appeals for help as she does not have the means to purchase one. Those willing to help could contact her on 055 5721550 or her physician on 077 3471944. |