Are you suffering from a feeling of intense fear, anxiety or terror, rapid or difficult breathing, dizziness, stomach complaints, fatigue, insomnia, breathlessness, difficulty in swallowing, heart racing, depression or mood swings?
Then you are sadly under severe or mild Panic and Anxiety Attacks. But no cause for alarm as almost every 1 in 20 in the world is either suffering from severe or mild panic and anxiety attacks.
There are easy methods and techniques to Stop Panic Attacks in modern days, where you do not have to rely on drugs and chemicals, which are only a temporary measure to subdue the symptoms, but do not address the root cause.
Latest scientific research reveals that, every single anxiety disorder, panic attack, phobia, sufferer on earth has a condition that is caused and perpetuated by the same single thing; this thing is called the Amygdala, it is a small almond shaped organ in the human brain. No matter how bad your symptoms are, no matter how long you have had anxiety disorder, this tiny organ is 100% responsible. It is the cause of your anxiety and panic attacks. Not stress, bereavement or life circumstances, they are only just the triggers.
Remember; when you actually have a panic attack there is a thought process in your mind which triggers the sense of fear. You must try to identify this fear. The best way is to feel this fear fully and release it. Once you release it, it may not bother you in future. Feelings are there to be felt fully at the particular moment it arises and release it for good. This is proved by recent scientific research. The feelings you do not feel fully are stored in your subconscious mind and can arise at a future time and these stored feelings can lead to panic and anxiety attacks in the future.
In order to Stop Panic Attacks, you may need to identify the thoughts in your subconscious that are of unreal fear and which may lead to panic attacks. These fears are unreal in the sense that they are no threat to your physical survival at all.
Breathing exercises also work to the benefit of those prone to panic attacks. Whenever you feel that a panic attack is coming on, try to take deep breaths. Breathing deeply and thinking relaxing thoughts can also help you feel less conscious and make your body relax and feel at ease. Relaxation techniques are an effective way of Stopping Panic Attacks, and this can be coupled with meditation, muscle relaxation and visualization techniques. |