The annual Prize Giving and Graduation Ceremony of Wycherley International School, Colombo, was held for the fifteenth successive year on June 30, at BMICH.
This year's Prize Giving and Graduation Ceremony marked a milestone in the history of WIS under the new management of ANC. One of the most anticipated events of WIS school calendar, the Prize Giving and Graduation Ceremony recognized the academic excellence of Wycherley International School students. Nearly 200 students from Grade 3 to Grade 12 received prizes at the Prize Giving which was held following the Senior School Student Graduation Ceremony.
This was followed by the WIS Graduation Ball, a truly grand event for all involved.
Last year's "Wycherley Stars" deserve praise and it's with great pride their outstanding academic excellence is placed on record. Dilina Rajapakshe and Haren Wijesinghe were awarded the University of Birmingham International Students' Scholarship in recognition of outstanding academic achievements in Medicine. Out of 400 Undergraduate Medical students, only four were awarded this prestigious scholarship. Two of the four were Sri Lankan and both were Wycherley students- an astounding accomplishment that Wycherley and the students' families can rightly be proud of - and which is sure to inspire future Wycherley students!
The above students were not alone in their success. Munsif Mufali, another Wycherley "achiever" secured a scholarship to University of Sheffield to pursue Medicine. Several other students have secured places in some of the most reputed universities in the world. Of the six students who gained 5 A Grades in the previous year, Tharshan Renganathan, Ijaz Quatli and Sanduni Nanayakkara were the only three Sri Lankans to enter the National University of Singapore while Oshini Sivakumaran entered Cambridge University to read Medicine.
The prize winners of the Junior School received prizes for the four main subjects of English, Maths, Science, and Social Studies. Individual subject prizes in the Senior School and special awards for best O/Level and A/Level results were also awarded. The Shamil Jinasena Memorial Gold Medal was awarded to Munsif Mufalil, and the V.J Emmanuel Memorial Gold Medal to Haren Wijesinghe, the students securing the best A/Level results in 2008. The S.M.F Khan Memorial Gold Medal was presented to Thanushika Sivanathan for the best O/L results in 2008. Apart from subject prizes, an array of special prizes was awarded for categories such as General Knowledge, Open Essay, Singing and Oratory at Primary, Junior and Senior Levels.
Adding glamour to the event were three special segments of entertainment, performed by the students of the Junior School and a special singing performance by the school choir. This year's Prize Giving and Graduation Ceremony was graced by Professor Monte Cassim, President of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University and Vice Chancellor of the Ritsumeikan Trust. The second Asian to head a Japanese University, Professor Cassim had also served as a UN expert and Coordinator of the Industrial Development Unit of the United Nations Centre for Regional Development and as Professor of Policy Science at Ritsumeikan University.
Principal, Wycherley International School, Kingsley Jayasinghe, in his address, extended his sincere gratitude to Professor Monte Cassim for specially attending the function while extending the same to members of the Board of Management of ANC, distinguished invitees, staff, parents and the numerous well wishers who comprised the gathering. Mr. Jayasinghe also expressed a special word of thanks to the Head Mistresses of the school and his dedicated staff of teachers, instrumental in producing exceptional results and a 'gifted young generation'.
With ANC's ambitious stake in Wycherley, hopes for it to reach greater heights were apparent as Mr. Jayasinghe voiced out, "ANC as we know is in the forefront of the educational scene and with its expertise, will guide Wycherley to greater heights. Addressing the 'young leaders of tomorrow' Mr. Jayasinghe emphasized on the true meaning of education - " the true test of your education will be, not the honours you receive with your qualification but the ability to treat your fellow being with respect." His wish to the graduating students, "use your God-given talents to make the world a better place to live in and more so your own country. Qualify and come back to your own country, to help her rise from the ashes and get back to her former glory," seemed to reverberate a timely message.
