New Zealand has gained the recognition as a provider of world-class education. It's an ideal study destination for International Students and offers top quality education and life-style. Victoria University of Wellington has been the academic heart of the capital city, Wellington, and the central region of New Zealand, for over 100 years. It produces world recognized graduates who are the next generation of scholars, inventors, entrepreneurs, business and civic leaders.
The University is based in four sites around the central city, three of which are within 20 minutes walking distance of each.
Victoria is built on a 100 years of tradition; established in 1899, it now has 22000 students, including 3000 international students from over 80 countries.
The University has an outstanding academic reputation, strong research culture and comprehensive and highly flexible graduate programmes.
It offers a comprehensive range of study opportunities from undergraduate degrees and graduate diplomas to postgraduate programmes and PhD study. Pre-degree study is offered through an eight month Foundation programme.
Students are able to choose from a wide variety of courses taught in well-equipped faculties by the nation's leading teachers, some of whom are world leaders in their respective fields. Victoria University of Wellington is proud of its award-winning support networks built up from over 50 years of looking after the needs of international students. It offers a friendly and supportive study environment providing academic excellence in both teaching and research.
Design your Degree:-
Over 80 courses are taught in different degree programmes, which give you a large amount of choice in what you want to study.
Seven teaching faculties: Architecture and Design, Commerce and Administration, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Social Science, Law, and Science, all offer internationally recognized study in their specialty areas.
Double majors and double degrees can be taken at undergraduate level.
Victoria offers more than 25 Master's degrees in around 100 specialist subject areas. Over the past century Victoria has established a proud international reputation for academic excellence in postgraduate study and research across all faculties.
Master programmes vary between one and a half to two years depending on the academic background.
Ph.D Study:-
Victoria University has been highly ranked in New Zealand for the overall quality and output of its academic research according to the NZ Tertiary Education Commission. PhD study is possible in all disciplines as long as supervision is available for research. PhD students in New Zealand pay domestic tuition fees. Children of a PhD student may attend school paying only fees and the spouse can be granted a work permit for the duration of the study period.
Highly qualified and experienced staff offer a strong student support service. This includes student learning, student counselling, Health Service, Finance Advisory, Career Service, Student job search, Accommodation etc. A student computer service provides computer facilities with free e-mail and storage space and access to the library's web-based electronic database. Library facilities are extensive.
Victoria Graduates consistently enjoy one of the highest employment rates of graduates from any New Zealand University and are employed by many prestigious companies and businesses, national and abroad. Victoria graduates possess qualities that are highly desirable. A degree from Victoria is the foundation of a career. Let Victoria University help you to reach your potential. |