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CIMA Sri Lanka Division is to conduct its master course on Financial Awareness for Non-finance Managers on November 10 and 11 2009.
The two-day workshop, designed to deliver knowledge that non-finance staff need to know to understand, use and discuss the financial information so crucial to business success, will take place at the CIMA Auditorium. As finance is often considered the "language of business," people who have a working knowledge of it are far better placed to take an active role in key business decisions. An understanding of accounts and financial reports is vital for anyone wanting to climb the management ladder, but for those without a financial background this information can be hard to acquire and assimilate.
The workshop will cover the following areas: Role of finance; basic rules and elements of accounting; understanding financial statements (profit and loss account / balance sheet / cash flow statement); cash and profits - is it the same; which one do we need most; adding value with finance (brand profitability, are we breaking even, break-even point, margin of safety); interpreting financial performance, how to generate more cash; working capital management; long term decision making; time value of money; corporate planning and budgeting.
The faculty for the course includes Mallik De Silva, Group Finance Managers, Richard Pieris & Co PLC; Sriyamal Gamage, General Manager - Group Finance, Hayleys Advantis Limited; Dhanan Senathirajah, Assistant Vice President - Finance, NDB Bank; and Jehan Jayasuriya, Strategic Business Analyst, MAS Intimates (Pvt) Ltd. The workshop is relevant to all managers, with previous delegates including project managers, marketing managers, technical managers, gaeneral managers, engineers, business development managers, and many others including managing directors and CEOs.
This is what some of the previous participants had to say:
"I never knew that finance could be taught in such an interesting way of learning and teaching, and I can go back and practise what was taught. Exceptional!"; "I have a clear idea of the 'Finance Language' and am not taken aback by it any more. I feel I can question the finance department in the future"; "This exposed me to the financial management arena which will definitely help me to perform better in my career." "From not knowing anything on the finance side, now I have learnt something that is very useful and have some insight into calculations."
Intake for this programme is limited.
Registrations are now being accepted for the two day event. Further details and registration forms can be obtained by contacting CIMA Sri Lanka on |
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