The choice you make for your children now will affect their career options and impact lifestyle in the future. That is why you start with giving them a good education which will stretch them and give them the right qualifications. By using those qualifications they will be able to find a fulfilling career, something they can feel enthusiastic and proud about and which also gives them financial rewards and long term prospects.
Is accountancy the career for your child? Think about it! The global demand for qualified accountants has never been higher, and their work more varied. By becoming part of this respected profession, they will benefit from
Excellent job prospects and career development
Job Security - all organizations need financial professionals, even in the toughest climate
Financial stability - accountants can command high salaries
Mobility - accountants can move easily between industries and countries
As a qualified accountant, your son or daughter will be part of a well established profession, with specialist knowledge and skill which will ensure they are always in demand. The skill they acquire as finance professional will equip them for a challenging and rewarding career. The way to embark yourself on an accountancy career is to study with ACCA ( The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) But why ACCA? The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is the largest and fastest growing global professional accountancy body. Globally ACCA have 325,000 students and 125,000 members in 182 countries. . Let's look at a few of the reasons why it enjoys this position.
A reputation built over 100 years
Combines a UK degree with a professional accounting qualification without doubling the workload
Both the degree and the professional qualification can be gained within 2 1/2 years
Flexible entry routes to fit your profile
Relevant and recognised wherever you are
Mobility across industry sectors and countries
Cost effective options for further studies and 50 global accountancy partnerships
There are a number of entry points to gaining a qualification with ACCA. The right choice depends on the individual's previous qualifications.
Exemptions are awarded for academic and professional qualifications. For more details inquire or visit our website
Study options
Studying with ACCA becomes simpler as the qualifications are designed to be flexible.
Student can opt for a full time or part time course or for distance learning. With 350 exam centres in 160 countries and a network of over 80 officers, it is always easy to arrange continued study and sit the exam.
ACCA also has a global network of tuition providers guaranteed to meet ACCA's demanding standards.
Interested in building a globally mobile career in finance for your child? Make an informed choice and talk to the counsellors at ACCA before you decide.
Being equipped with the ACCA qualification accelerates the growth of your child's career.
For more details visit our office
@ 424, R A De Mel Mawatha
Colombo 3
Call on 2301920, 301922
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