Master Practitioner of Feng Shui Asiri Wanigaratne |
According to the practice of Feng Shui, each year the luck of a household changes as the directions that attract luck change.
Last week we spoke about the directions that brought good luck in 2010 which was the North West, North, East and West. This week we will talk about the directions that attract bad luck this year which is that South West, North East, South and the South East.
The two main directions out of these that will bring about misfortune are the South West and North East, the South West being the worst.
If you main door is situated in the South West bad luck will follow in your household throughout the year.
"There will be room for marital problems, accidents and less income," said Master Consultant and Master Practitioner of Feng Shui Asiri Wanigaratne.
If a bedroom in the house in situated in the South West, people spending time in that area will be affected by bad luck. So pregnant mothers and aged, sick people should not sleep in the room as aggravation of illnesses and miscarriages could occur.
If you have no choice but to sleep in the South West room you can decrease the bad luck in the area by 50 percent through increasing metal objects and using good luck Feng Shui symbols. "But pregnant mothers and sickly old people should avoid being in the room at all costs," he stressed.
Moreover, if your kitchen is in the South West it can increase the bad luck in the house because of fire being used there constantly. Fire lends to increasing bad luck. Try not using the stove too much during this year or cook less at home.
With no choice but to use the main door in the South West, you could use a Kalachakra above the doorway outside the house and a Laughing God statuette facing the entrance inside the house. Having as much metal objects close to the entrance could help reduce the ill effects as well.
Having your main entrance in the second most misfortunate direction this year the North East, could result in ill health for the entire household. "In 2009 it was the West that brought about ill health," explained Mr. Wanigaratne adding that a person sleeping in a bedroom facing the North East would have ill health the whole year through.
"Do not let your child who is facing an exam be in any room that is situated in the North East. But if you have no choice again increase metal objects in the room. Having a metal cup with 8 coins in it will also help to suppress bad luck in the room," he said. Having a Medecine Buddha Mandala can also improve good health luck in the adverse areas.
Again if there is no choice but to use the main door situated in the North East, using a Laughing God inside the house and a Kalachakra symbol outside above the doorway can reduce ill health effects entering the household. Also playing a Medecine Buddha Mantra (available on CD), an ancient Tibetian Mantra can increase the health luck of your house.