Groundwater sources in the Galewela area are fast drying up as turpentine trees which have been planted adjacent to the Gerandigala Rajamaha vihara are drawing off these water resources, residents complain.
A stream drying up through lack of water |
The residents want the trees, which have been planted by the Wild Life Department, uprooted to stop the environmental degradation caused.
Already wells in the Damunumulla region have dried up and even cattle find it difficult to get their water needs. In addition paddy cultivation has been limited to around 50 acres, residents say.
Turpentine trees are said to draw off water from all sources nearby drying up the entire area and residents say if nothing is done to arrest the situation soon there will not even be drinking water for the villagers. They request that the forest land in question be distributed among the villagers after the trees are uprooted.
In the alternative they suggest that the land be given to them for their cattle to graze after the removal of the trees which are reported to have harmed the region during the last four decades.