1. Refined Behaviour: Our behaviour in business firstly reflects the inner values nurtured in us. Secondly it reflects our upbringing. Then, it reflects the culture of the organization we represent. Well behaved succeeds in the end.
2. Practice Modesty: We perhaps are not as big as we think we are. Clever people see us through beyond our business card and the designation tag that are just loaned temporary. Our past decorations and yesterday's chips on our shoulder alone cannot exceed the hopes of the people we meet tomorrow.
3. View the World: There is a gigantic world outside our table, our cubicle and beyond our subordinates. Learn to convert from cubicled boys to wise men who appraise the totality in depth. Maturity is not just the number of years we spent inside compartments. None respects us for being merely aged or senior - without updated brains, radiant skills and buoyant contributions.
4. Pick Fresh Lessons: There are everyday free lessons to learn from everyone. Even a janitor or the chauffeur can offer superior perspectives on some matters in life. Intelligence has very little to do with the language they speak. Unless we are open and ready to hear from the kings and the commoners alike, our real life education becomes just stiff and non-pragmatic. It is truly exciting out there in the turf than in the arm chair.
5. Play Straight: Beating around the corporate bush seldom brings sustainable results. Brace up to state the bitter declaration without shifting the call to the assistant. When we hide on a lame pretext, leaving our subordinates to face the bumpy jingles, we quickly lose respect from both ends.
6. Survive Authentically: There are no short cuts or quick fixes to steady success in any sphere in corporate life. Avoid managing business function with sugar-coated ulterior motives. The vicious mappings never take it to corridors of honourable working or living.
7. Prove Gratitude: Acknowledging a mail sent by someone, thanking a person who sent us a business scheme or idea, sending a brief text of gratitude to someone who aided us even in little ways - is not something that degrades our image and poise. In reality, it’s a path to steady upgrading. |