Kumon was started 50 years ago in Japan by Toru Kumon, a Maths teacher and parent who wanted to help his son do better in school. The unique instructional method he created was so successful that his son was able to do Calculus by the time he was in the sixth grade.
The Kumon Method was developed to unlock the potential in every child. That's the mission, and it is being accomplished every day at centres in 44 countries. Kumon has helped more students succeed worldwide than any other after-school programme.
Students begin at a comfortable starting point - determined by a placement test - with work that can be easily completed. This way the child will master the basics and gain complete proficiency with each successive step.
Kumon uses a guided " self motivated " learning approach. Worksheets assigned by the Instructor provide an example illustrating the concept to be learned. Then a simple exercise modelled after the example is given. Each new assignment is slightly more challenging than the last.
Before the child can advance from one assignment to the next, the material should be completed with a reasonable score within a prescribed period of time.
Worksheets are assigned daily, even though most children attend the centre just twice a week. An assignment that takes too long or is completed with too many errors is repeated until mastered. That's how the Kumon Method ensures optimal comprehension and retention of concepts, establishing the strongest possible foundation for more advanced material.
The Kumon Method allows the child to advance steadily at a comfortable pace dictated only by his or her ability and initiative. The child's individualized programme is never compromised by the needs of a group or a prescribed teaching agenda.
For further details contact:
Kumon Achievers Center, 76 1/1, Thimbirigasyaya Rd, Colombo 5 or phone 2502924 between 1 and 5 pm on weekdays except Wednesdays. |