With the increasingly competitive job market and ever challenging career development paths, it is worthwhile to explore new options that would broaden one's horizons and improve future career prospects.

Director General Dr. E A Weerasinghe |
Time and money spent wisely to this end, will prove to be a fruitful investment when the time arrives where one is able to reap the benefits of a solid education and training. The National Institute of Business Management (NIBM) is ideal in providing just such an opportunity to invest in your future.
The Institution serves both the private and public sectors with versatile and all round education and training programmes to build and enhance skills for school leavers, employees and any other alternative qualification holders.
NIBM aims to be the best management education institute in Sri Lanka through its commitment to mould the best managers, who will undoubtedly be equipped, to lead and apply their skills in any arena or to face any challenge while adapting to an ever-changing environment.
For school leavers NIBM offers 3-degree programmes designed for this success. These degree programmes are offered through alliances with the University College Dublin, Ireland. In recognition of these high standards in quality, the NIBM was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Award in 2009.
The National Institute of Business Management was established in 1968 under the purview of the Ministry of Industries and Scientific Affairs and with UNDP collaboration while the ILO functions as an executing agency.
In 1976, the Institute was incorporated as the National Institute of Business Management and has consistently endeavoured to deliver excellence in the programmes it offers to its clients, including those from overseas countries.
In 2010 the NIBM was brought under the purview of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and functions as a statutory body. NIBM conducts its affairs solely driven by non-profit motives and serves in the national interest through its superlative services provided for the betterment of professionals.
Of the many programmes available at NIBM, in the area of IT they offer a BSc in MIS in collaboration with the University of Ireland, a Higher Diploma in Computer Systems Design, Higher Diploma in Computer Based Information Systems (HDCBIS), Diploma in Computer Systems Design (DCSD) and many Certificate courses to cater to different needs as well as to ensure that students with lesser entry qualifications are given the opportunity to work towards a well recognised degree in MIS from Europe.
In the field of management and productivity the NIBM offers the more mature students who may already be employed, the opportunity to obtain well recognized qualifications in diverse fields through the twenty five diploma programmes conducted in English and Sinhala medium as well as numerous other Certificate and short term courses.
NIBM also caters to the specific needs of the industry through customised training programmes and consultancy assignments.
While these programmes are offered at the main campus in Colombo, high standards of training is also available at the regional centres in Kandy , Kurunegala and Galle to reach a wider range and a greater number of students. The NIBM also intends to expand by opening regional centres in other key districts to meet the needs of the youth and those of the industry by providing qualified and trained personnel.
D. M. A. Kulasooriya, Director, Productivity and Management Development said, "We are in the business of developing competencies in people and organisations through training and consultancy. We are the only organisation, which provides training and education in three languages.
Productivity and Management and Management Information are two major divisions. For school leavers there is a path from the foundation level to degree level. These courses are not only for school leavers but also for private and public sector employees who can take professional training from the NIBM and develop their professional skills. We give the unemployed youth employability as well as those employed the ability to develop a career path".
The new building in Colombo provides modern learning and recreational facilities. On the other hand we modernised our regional centre in Kurunegala and the newest addition to our training facilities is the Galle Centre. We can now introduce more new degree programmes while still keeping to international standards, maintaining the number of hours of study and practical requirements of the programmes.
Most importantly we update our programmes on the basis of industry requirements. We want to be the best business education institute in Sri Lanka. We believe in honesty, integrity and transparency in everything we do." he added.
NIBM looks to the future with excitement, hope and optimism and invites you to build your competency and be a part of their success story.
- DMA Kulasooriya,
Director, Productivity and Management Development. |