As human beings most of the time we forget the long term effects of our actions. Our actions are more or less associated with some form of technology. In today’s fast paced world it has become the norm to be equipped with some of the “high-tech gadgets” in the market.
This includes the everyday consumers such as you and I who consider these “wants” to be fashion accessories. But what happens when you want to replace your mobile with an Iphone, your old laptop with a Mac or your 27” television with a 40” flat screen high definition television? Will you be responsible on how you discard the item and ensure it’s done in the most ethical manner? Or should the question be, do you know how to discard electronic equipment and not just dump it into the garbage?
E-waste has become the buzz word in today’s environmentally conscious society. E-waste refers to consumer and business electronic equipment that is near to or at the end of its electronic life. Today’s big businesses have integrated the managing of e-waste as part of their business ethics and to the extent of implementing same to their marketing strategies which gives them an edge above some of their competitors. This is a good thing! However, managing e-waste is not just for the big businesses but is applicable to society at large.
Have you ever heard of the mantra ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’? Then this would be the stepping stone for you to be part of the good management and ethical disposing of your electronic equipment.
REDUCE your waste by smart procurement and good management. Buying applications from reputed brands that has considerably a long life expectancy would mean you will not be disappointed with the performance of the device and will use it for a longer period. Also ensure that maintenance and support is guaranteed by the manufacturers or the flagship stores that you purchase from. Convenience in getting something fixed will result in the longer usage of the product than thinking of getting rid of it. Good management is also critical and this means using the product the right way. Learn to use the product by reading instructions provided or learning via other means on how to use it right. Servicing of the product as and when required is highly advisable.
REUSE still functioning electronic equipment by donating it to and selling it to somebody who can still use it. With all the new models and makes out in the market our constant requirement is to upgrade whatever it is that we own. Upgrading is essential to stay ahead of time with regard to electronic resources, but do keep in mind there will always be someone out there who could benefit from the product you wish to discard.
This is provided that you have maintained your product in the proper manner. Seeking an exchange with the outlet you wish to purchase the upgraded item from is the most lucrative option. Besides this, to give your conscience a bit of ease you could donate the equipment for charitable purposes who are in need of basic commodities to run their everyday life.
RECYCLE those components that cannot be repaired. If you cannot use it any longer then you have to get rid of it. Recycling raw materials is the most effective solution for the growing e-waste problem. Environmental groups claim that the informal processing of e-waste in developing countries are causing serious health and pollution problems. Many of the manufacturing companies and recycling houses will gladly take an old item back so to be reused by dismantling the item and extracting components that may resurface for future use. This in turn reduces the green house gas emissions as a result of manufacturing new products.
By merely adhering to the 3R’s reduce, reuse and recycle we are contributing to the society by being environmentally responsible citizens to fight the battle of this growing problem. With developing countries such as ours looking at a rise in IT literacy and gearing towards becoming a favourite destination for outsourced IT consultancy, the years to come will only keep us more engaged in the new trends and dependency on electronic equipment to take us through the day. So why not start now to save our planet, community and our very life...