We have over the past few days witnessed that this mammoth Exhibition and Trade Fair CHEMEX 2011 has inaugurated the International Year of Chemistry so designated by the United Nations.
I believe that we have been able to enhance the appreciation of Chemistry for the well-being of the Sri Lankan Society as a consequence of what we have been able to offer to thousands of schoolchildren who have attended this event, and seen the wonders that Chemistry has to offer.
Prof. J N O Fernando |
Although the disciplines of Chemistry is followed by all Sri Lankan science students at the Advanced Level stage and Chemistry continues for many decades to be the most sought after programme for specialization in the SCIENCE Faculty of Sri Lankan Universities, Chemistry is viewed by a large majority of Sri Lankans merely as a means to an end and not as a profession by itself. The importance and the indispensable need for Chemistry as a profession on a level similar to that of other professions such as Medicine, Engineering, Law and Architecture has not been widely disseminated.
We hope that the numerous events and activities planned for the International Year of Chemistry with the global tag line Chemistry - Our Life, Our Future will enable the Chemistry Profession to receive more recognition than at present and the important place of Chemistry Industry in the life of any nation is appreciated particularly by young people. Chemistry is indeed a creative and innovative science and its research applications are indispensable in any area of society be it pharmaceuticals, agriculture, engineering, communications, constructions, environment, food or textiles.
We are now well into a Knowledge Based Society in which the new material for a productive economic development has moved away from money to Information, Education and Knowledge. The latter is the key to the development of people and if this critical asset is provided to disadvantaged people, then they would be in a better position to clear out of the poverty trap. The only route to great knowledge is through proper Education & Training permitting people to take full advantage of emerging technologies. Information which is weightless, invisible and omnipresent is converted to the meaningful form of knowledge, understanding and wisdom through Education.
It is in this context that the diverse form of Chemical Education has a big role to play towards the well-being of society. The unique role played by the College of Chemical Sciences of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon by providing over the past four decades two invaluable professional programmes at the technicians/technology and the Graduateship levels is indeed very significant and praiseworthy. Our Institute has therefore been able to supply 746 Chemistry technologists who are providing a useful supportive role at the middle level and then remain up to today as the only such programme among the basic sciences.
The more ambitious and demanding Graduateship Programme in Chemistry provides over 40% of all the Graduate Chemists produced in Sri Lanka and we are since 1996 one of the largest providers of such Graduate Chemists: The 739 Graduate Chemists so far produced had also enabled Sri Lanka to produce at no cost to the national exchequer useful and productive chemists who are making enormous contributions towards the well-being of society and national development, both nationally and globally.
This four year programme is perhaps the most low cost degree programme anywhere in the world but produces high quality Graduate Chemists who have been recognized and accepted both for higher degrees and employment in Universities and institutions spread globally.
The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon which conducts their programmes, with efficiency, equity and efficacy had also been able concurrently to enhance its own infrastructure and service for the well-being of Sri Lankan society. These educational programmes have enabled the Institute to enhance its office facilities from zero to that of a four storied building at Rajagiriya. The employment of 40 full-time staff and several visiting staff to provide these educational facilities has also been made possible by the Institute's direct involvement in human resource development through professional Chemical Education.
The Graduateship Programme has also been recognized and accredited by the Northumbria University in UK and the Cincinatti University in USA by giving credit exemptions for Sri Lankan students who wish to proceed abroad after two years enabling them to obtain a foreign degree at a much reduced cost since the first two years are conducted at the College of Chemical Sciences.
Let us therefore recognize the role of Chemistry in contributing solutions to global challenges and appreciate the invaluable role played by Sri Lankan Chemists in providing professional Chemical Education with magnificent human resource development for the well-being of society.