The Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), has appointed Mr. B D W A Silva, Deputy Governor as the Chairman of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL), consequent to the retirement from service of Mr. P D J Fernando as Chairman/IBSL and Deputy Governor/CBSL. Mr. P Samarasiri, Assistant Governor of the Central Bank has been appointed as the Vice Chairman, of the IBSL. These appointments are effective from 27 September 2011.
Mr. B D W A Silva has been at the Central Bank for over 28 years and has wide experience in the areas of Financial System Stability, Price Stability, Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy, External Trade, Balance of Payments and Inflation. Prior to this appointment he held the position of Assistant Governor, Director of Bank Supervision and Deputy Director of Economic Research.
Mr. Silva holds an MA Degree from the University of Iowa, M.Sc. Degree from University of Illinois, USA and a B.Sc. Degree with a First Class from the University of Jaffna.
Mr. Silva has been a resource person at the University of Colombo, Centre for Banking Studies of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka. He has served in many Committees and Boards including the Credit Information Bureau, Standing Cabinet Appointed (Special) Procurement Committee (SCAPC)/Ministry of Petroleum, Rehabilitation of Embilipitiya Paper Mill and Kantale Sugar Factory and Asian Clearing Union.
Mr. P Samarasiri is the Assistant Governor supervising the area of Financial System Stability. He is also the Secretary to the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and Chairman of the Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board. Before being promoted as Assistant Governor, he was the Head of the Bank Supervision Department and has wide exposure in the field of Bank Supervision.
Mr. Samarasiri has served the Central Bank for a period of 28 years and has gained experience in the areas of Statistics, Economic Research, Bank Supervision, Financial System Stability and Regional Development.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics with honours, from the University of Colombo and an MA in Economics from the University of Kansas, USA.
Mr. Samarasiri has authored the Book "Money Transactions, Banking and Economy" and many articles on economic and financial topics for various publications and has conducted numerous seminars and special presentations.