Weeraketiya Rajapaksa Central College which is situated in the Hambantota District, began its illustrious journey in 1940 as one of the first few Central Colleges which bore fruit from the vision of late Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara. Today, this institution has moved forward as one of the best schools among 50 in the island, inheriting a great history of more than 71 years.
The Present Principal : Mr. Athula Wijewardana
As a stanchion to the agricultural campaign which was started as a solution to the 1935 food crisis, an agricultural and veterinary development school was started on the land which now the Rajapaksa Central College exists. Because of the abundant chili crops, this piece of land was named as "Miriswattha" agricultural school. As a complement to the shortfall of a National School to the area, in 1940 the school was ear-marked as a morning school.
Then the school was converted to a Central College with the 1945 Free Education act. As a gratitude to the assistance of Mr. D.M. Rajapaksa for the Free Education act, the school was originated as the fifth Central College in Sri Lanka. Since, the school was named as H/Weeraketiya Central College. With the conversion to a Central College, the students and the scholars in whole Hambantota District was admitted to this school to carry on their studies.
The school is surrounded by the Kondagala Mountains and a lovely breeze cuts across the ground and the rich nature in the school is an extra luxury for its excellent education background. It has produced several distinguished personalities to the nation during the past few years.
Rajapaksa Central College, as per the Education Ministry classification, is an IAB category National School. It has classes from Grade 6 to Grade 13. All grades conduct classes in both Sinhala and English medium. The English medium was introduced to Grade 6 in 2003 and also to Grade 12 and 13 in 2010.
As at present with over 4000 students, 158 teachers and another 25 supportive staff, it has a highly developed and an efficient administrative system. Decentralization is vital for smooth management. The present Principal Mr. Athula Wijewardana, with the assistance from the Deputy Principal, manages the entire school through the delegation of powers to different sectional heads. Assistant Principals are also appointed to handle other specific areas - namely: Finance and Academic Affairs.
The school has developed swiftly in the educational field and has been able to bring forth the District's first Doctor and the District's first Engineer. Even today the most number of medical students, engineering students, graduates and lawyers are selected from the H/Weeraketiya Rajapaksa Central College.
They are proud to say that they annually enjoy more than 93% of result in their G.C.E.(O/L) examination. In G.C.E.(A/L), annually huge number of students enter university. Science and Maths streams bring the entire district ranks to the school.
In 2011, more than 50 students of Rajapaksa Central College entered the Universities while 36 students secured 3 A’s in all four streams. The district first to fifth places in the Bio-science and 2nd, 4th , 11th places in the Maths stream have been captured by these students
Rajapaksa Central College at present has over 10 sports. Excellent supportive facilities have helped students to do well in almost all of these areas. Academic study of sports and physical training is also an integral part of the curriculum. A wide range of sporting events are held throughout the year. As the result W.P. Prabod Buddhika, R.G. Indika Srimalee, K.Priyanthi Kumary, W.D.A. Rasika Priyadarshani, R.P.Nuwan Rangana, G.A. Sharma Dulni, R.Sumali Shanika and A.G.Shashikala Sewwandi have excelled in the All Island Junior and Senior Athletic Meets capturing medals and gaining ‘colours’. Recently W.D.A. Rasika Priyadarshani took part in the 2012, Asian Junior Athletics Meet for the Discus Throw event.
The school Eastern Dancing troops were placed 1st and 2ndin the All Island dancing competition in 2010 and 2011, also the aesthetic and literary activities at provincial and national level has brought the school many medals.
The Cadet Police Corp is the first School Police Corp formed in Sri Lanka and at present they have secured the first place in the island with great gratification as a prominent corp.
The College has over 20 active clubs and societies. These ranges from those related to academic study (Mathematics Society), to those associated with hobbies (Chess Society), to those linked with organizations outside college (Lion's Club), and to those catering to the Arts (Aesthetic Unit). Most enjoy enthusiastic membership, filling the college calendar with their activities, all year round.
Completing many years, the school has managed to reach high stands provincially and nationally, playing great roles in the fields of education, sports and many other extra-curricular activities, achieving the goals of today. Therefore Rajapaksa College stands as a prominent and a proud school in the district as well as in the whole nation.
Launching of the College Web Page |
“Radapasa” Media Unit |
All Island Athletics Winners |