• Last Update 2024-10-16 15:25:00

Feature: A Ray of Sunshine - The Right Perspective


By Timothy A. Edward


Research indicates that 90 per cent of entrepreneurial businesses fail within the first five years, often due to a lack of coaching and mentoring. For example, in the ICT sector, these sessions are known as hackathons, and they play a crucial role in transforming the mindset of entrepreneurs, instilling an “I can” attitude that significantly boosts their chances of success.


Maintaining a positive perspective and an “I can” mindset is essential for overcoming life’s challenges, whether in business or personal life. By adopting this approach, individuals can navigate problems, setbacks, and even health issues more effectively. Creating a positive workplace atmosphere enhances creativity and problem-solving, leading to breakthrough solutions and sustained success.


Life Challenges


Remember, problems and challenges that we face in life are not permanent.  Do not become too easily adjusted, settled into or fit into a culture of negativism, defeat and misery without even thinking.


Believe these will fade off the way they came into being, and hold on to the right perspective and do not allow them to become overblown. Do not put your problems and worries under a microscope and blow them out of proportion.  If we deal with the problems, challenges, negative medical reports, and other such unfortunate things from the right perspective, then we will see these dark fortunes shrink in size and lose their power over us.


Scientists who were studying about Alzheimer did research on the brains of persons who died with Alzheimer and persons who died without that disease. When the researchers did the comparison, they found out that technically the non-Alzheimer persons too had enough lesions on their brain, which actually qualified them as Alzheimer patients. Yet, when they were alive, their brains were sharp, and they had excellent memories. The only difference was that while living, they were fundamentally very positive, full of hope and very active, so they were able to keep the Alzheimer lesions at bay. 


Mission Impossible


If we consciously maintain a positive perspective and an ‘I can’ mindset, eventually we will emerge as winners.  If you watch the film series “Mission Impossible” you will see this underlining truth. That team, again and again, emerge as winners, because they do not take no for an answer.  They plan, strategise and execute and when they meet with unexpected challenges and setbacks, they regroup, go back to the drawing board and come up with an even stronger strategy to overcome.


Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)


CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns. This includes cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging and re-framing negative thoughts into more positive and realistic ones. Also, CBT promotes engaging activities that bring joy and satisfaction which can help combat negative moods.


Happy workplaces


Think for a moment. We spend a good number of hours in our offices. This is where we birth business models and strategies that help humankind. We need to ask ourselves whether our workplaces have a positive ‘we can do’ power. If we have that kind of atmosphere, where creativity is given full sway with a dash of fun and rhapsody, then our team will come up regularly with breakthrough solutions and services that thrill customers. Our unique selling feature should be our positive attitude and the right perspective.


It is only natural, that in life, we tend to find ourselves, more often than not, in situations that are beyond our natural skills set. Life is notorious for throwing all kinds of negative and defeating strategies at us: misunderstandings, breakups, terminal sicknesses, disabilities, weaknesses, infirmities, addictions, business failures etc. The natural reaction for us is to become overwhelmed, jittery and intimidated. Yet, during moments like these, we ought to take a breather, reflect on the issues at hand and remind ourselves that we are born to overcome every defying situation.      


Our eyes are windows into our bodies. If we open our eyes wide in wonder and belief, then our bodies will fill up with light, encouragement and life. So, develop the mindset that you deserve the best in life, that the right door will open for you at the right time in the midst of all your trials.  There is a silver lining to every dark cloud. Believe that you will have the right brilliant business idea flashing across your mind at the right time to clench the most coveted of deals.  Never say die until the last straw.  Never give up and throw in the towel. Keep at it. For your breakthrough is closer than you think.  

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