• Last Update 2025-03-28 17:41:00

Feature: Ray of Sunshine: Three life-transforming Secrets


By Timothy A. Edward


People and nations everywhere are in a profound state of change. Life has a way of throwing challenges, blocks, barricades and, at the same time, opening opportunities disguised as a winding messy emergence leading to something new.  


While every context is unique, if we dare to look beyond what meets our eyes, we will be able to discern something special and good at every turn.  Especially, when we try to do something out of the ordinary, there will be persons who would say that the innovative project is a bad idea.


Yet, breakthroughs can be defined as roadways in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. So, do not rush into conclusions or run from one dilemma to another. Allow time to resolve those issues and be prepared to make any necessary mid-course changes as required. Surround yourself with good advisors, who have your best interest at heart. In the counsel of many, there is peace and security.


Secret of Waiting


The importance of following the right process with patience and timing to achieve the desired outcome can be explained using the analogy of baking a cake. For a great delicious cake to arrive at our dining table, it is true we must get all the right ingredients in the right quantity and carry out the mixing properly. It is also equally important that we must heat the oven to the right degree of temperature and leave the cake mixture in the oven for the recommended time. If we take the cake before the recommended time, then it will not be fit for consumption. In the same manner, in life, we have to allow situations to take their full course and time. If we rush things along, we can end up having a miscarriage in our circumstances and outcome.


Secret about Mid-Course Changes


During a flight, a pilot has to be in constant contact with the tower all the time. The plane’s dashboard will give the necessary details about the flight, but there can be critical moments when the tower might send some mid-course correction information. The pilot needs to be open to such mid-course corrections. How open are we if we sense a change in our direction? Just as a pilot stays in touch with the control tower for adjustments, we should be open to changing our direction based on new information.


Secret about Counselors including sceptics


During our childhood, we would have played the game Blindman’s Bluff.  Even in some leadership training, facilitators include this game. We all know how it feels to be led, when we cannot see where we are going.


When something new is proposed, people tend to hesitate at different levels. Some will criticise and push back the move to change and innovate, while others will offer consistent questions and problems to be solved, and a few others will resort to passive non-compliance.


Yet, these sceptics, doubters and criticisers are also a key part of our learning.  As leaders, we need to engage with these sceptics and need to frame them as crucial contributors to our projects and opt to see the wisdom in their perspective as well.


When we surround ourselves with genuine advisors, their counsel can stand in good stead when we need it the most. We can debate with our colleagues cordially, rather than simply agree with what they say. One of the prerequisites of learning is to be able to have an honest, straightforward, cordial conversation with those who disagree with us. It is much more easily said than done, but the majority of the time, learning and new knowledge emerges in the space between ‘agreeing to disagreeing’ platform, not in any one individual’s insights.


We should not be married to past beliefs. As a leader, welcome debates, relish challenges and value colleagues who admit that they were wrong when new evidence emerges. One of the best ways to learn, is to play the devil’s advocate, ignite spirited debates and arrive at the best ideas that can change the world and make the world a better place for all of us.


Sceptics and critics play a crucial role in our learning process. Engaging with them can provide valuable insights and help refine our ideas. Honest and cordial debates with advisors can lead to better decisions and innovations.


In a world where change is the only constant, individuals and nations alike find themselves navigating through a maze of challenges and opportunities. Life’s journey is often marked by unexpected twists and turns, presenting obstacles that test our resilience and creativity. Yet, within these trials lie the seeds of innovation and growth. By integrating these life secrets of waiting, being ready to make mid-course changes and listening to counsel including sceptics, we can better navigate the complexities of life, daring to look beyond the immediate hurdles, uncovering hidden potentials and reaching transformative possibilities.

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