• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Grand on Princes in Australia to host large screen premiere of "According to Mathew"


The Grand on Princes in Australia will host the large screen premiere of director Chandran Rutnam's "According to Mathew."

According to a release by The Grand the premiere is scheduled for September 7, 2017 and will host a meet and greet segment  with director Rutnam, and stars of the film  Alston Koch and  Jaqueline Fernandez.

Chandran Rutnam’s much awaited, 'According to Matthew',  is a cinematic rendition of the true story of Fr. Matthew Peiris who was convicted for the double homicide of his wife Eunice and his mistress Dalrene’s husband –Russell Ingram.

the grand

See related story

‘According to Matthew’ awaits its public jury


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