• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

War displaced protest over decision to deny housing


A group of persons comprising 187 families that had been living in the Sidambarapuram displacement camp in Vavuniya for 21 years held a protest in front of the camp after Government officials informed them that they would not receive houses built at state expense. 

Instead of houses, those at the camp had been informed that they would receive a cash grant of Rs.50,000 and a Rs.500,000 loan from the Housing Development Authority. 

However, the displaced had countered as to why they were the only war displaced not getting Government housing when all others were getting houses either built through grants by the Indian Government or other aid projects. They had further expressed that they would not be able to pay off the loans they receive from the Government as many of them don't have permanent sources of income. 

Vanni District MP K. Masthan, who arrived at the scene of the protests, assured the displaced that he would hold discussions with relevant Ministry officials and attempt to resolve their issues. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka

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