• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

4000 Naval personnel & their families in self isloation at Welisara camp after a Naval officer tested positive for COVID-19


At least  4,000 naval personnel and their families in the Welisara Naval Complex have been isolated within the camp after a naval personnel tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) early this week and they will be tested for the virus in accordance with the urgency to do so, the Navy said today.

Navy said that upon confirmation that a naval person from Polonnnaruwa has been infected with the new coronavirus while on leave, the PCR test was conducted to gauge the spread of the disease among other naval personnel who were sharing the same mess and working at the office with the victim in Welisara Naval Complex as well as all his associates.

In addition, a group of identified individuals who were on leave and recognized to be close links with the infected naval personnel has been brought back to the naval base.

“In this backdrop, the Sri Lanka Navy is already engaged in a well planned quarantine process in organizational level and its proceedings are currently underway going by the guidance of the health sector,” a statement from the Navy said.


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