The Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb stirred up another controversy after revealing that the former BJP national president Amit Shah plans to establish a BJP government in neighbouring Sri Lanka and Nepal during a party program in Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan on Saturday, accoridng to a report published by East Mojo.
Deb said it was only under the leadership of Amit Shah that the BJP became the world’s largest party.
“The communist had claimed that their party was the largest in the world, which Amit Shah broke by making BJP the largest party in the world. Deendayal Upadhyaya’s party, Shyama Prasad’s party, Prishtha Pramukh’s party,” Deb added.
He said that the flip-flop government style in Kerela would also end this time as his party has started working in the state to form the government.
“The people of Bengal will soon say goodbye to Mamata didi, as both Modi and Amit Shah have reached the state. This time the government in Tamil Nadu will be formed by the BJP only, Lotus will bloom across the country,” Deb opined.
The Opposition CPIM and Congress has demanded action and clarification from the central leadership over the claim made by the chief minister of Tripura in a public meeting.
CPIM leader and former MP Jitendra Chaudhury said the chief minister does not have a sense of the Constitution, democracy and Constructional jurisprudence.
“The CM has given a statement that Amit Shah, while he was the president of their party told them that BJP is on a mission to set up their government in Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This means they are interfering in the affairs of the foreign country," he said.
“Amit Shah, the present Home Minister, is engaged in a state conspiracy against Nepal. Shah has stated the same, and the evidence is given by a person holding the constitutional post in our state of Tripura,” Chaudhury added.
He also demanded that the BJP must answer against the statement made because none other than it was stated by an elected chief minister of the state and it should not be taken so casually.
“BJP must answer this and Prime Minister Narendra Modi should also speak out on this issue,” Chaudhury said.
Reacting to the chief minister Biplab Kumar Deb, state Congress vice-president Tapas Dey said India did not believe in imperialism and fought the same for several years.
“It is unfortunate that the Chief Minister of Tripura is supportive of imperialism. Both Sri Lanka and Nepal are sovereign countries, and we cannot interfere or do anything about their internal affairs,” Dey said.
This can amount to an anti-national statement made by a chief minister of a sovereign country. We demand action against him for his anti-national statement,” Dey said.
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