• Last Update 2025-03-19 18:11:00

CEB spokesman resigns after making a public apology


Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Media Spokesman Noel Priyantha has tendered his resignation from the Media Spokesman position after apologizing regarding the comments he made during a television interview about the estate sector population.

Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekara on behalf of the Ministry appologised over the comments.

“The Management of CEB has also informed me that the spokesperson has tendered his resignation from the post and issued a public apology for his statement. The management will also take appropriate steps regarding the statement made,”  Minister Wijesekara said.

Minister Jeevan Thondaman also raised concern about the comments the spokesman had made adding that it lacked empathy.

Minister in a message shared on social media said “I agree with the sentiments of @JeevanThondaman and many more that had raised the lack of empathy and professionalism in the statement made by the CEB spokesperson,”

“The statement does not reflect the views of the Govt or the CEB, and would like to extend my apology on behalf of the Ministry and CEB,’ he said.

On Wednesday the Engineers Union also demanded that strong action be taken against the spokesman for his comments.

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  • Gamini Wijeratne

    Thursday, 22 February 2024 11:41 AM

    I watched the programme its really disgusting the way he reacted. This is a clasic example of the way arrogant officials look at the genaral public they think they are the only people work hard and they are the only ones deserved all comfort. He seems he is from another world.How needy people expect a support to uplift their lives from this kind of people .

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    Vinodh Amarasinghe

    Thursday, 22 February 2024 05:05 PM

    The Minister should take serious note of the action as the CEB employees are paid with public money.

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