• Last Update 2024-10-10 17:28:00

Ex-State Minister’s bank accounts frozen & ex CBSL Governor Cabraal indicted


The Colombo High Court today ordered to freeze of multiple bank accounts belonging to former State Minister Anupa Pasqual as he is under investigation  Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) under the new  Anti-Corruption Act.

As per the Court directive, the accounts will remain frozen until January 4, 2025.

Meanwhile, indictment papers have been before theColombo High Court against four persons, including former Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal, for causing a substantial loss of over Rs.1.84 billion by the purchase of Greek Bonds in 2012.

All the accused were released on bail of Rs 10 million each after the Commission filed charge papers in Courts today. The accused are barred from leaving the country without permission as the Court directed them to hand over their passports to the Court. 

Earlier the Sunday Times reported last Sunday that the Commission decided to file legal action to freeze properties belonging to seven persons, including politicians, public officials, and military officers.

CIABOC sources said investigators were probing these seven persons on how they acquired such a large number of assets that they would not be able to acquire on their normal salaries.

Investigations conducted thus far have revealed that claims made by some of the suspects that they had come by such enormous wealth through their families and close relatives were entirely false, the sources said.

It is learnt that many politicians have expressed reluctance to come before the CIABOC to provide statements to aid the Commission’s investigations.

In a separate development, the CIABOC is due to file indictments against two former ministers of the previous government for not being able to explain how they acquired certain assets.

The Sunday Times reported that the CIABOC is also investigating a former minister’s driver who had allegedly bought a luxury house and land in Cinnamon Gardens. Meanwhile, the Colombo High Court this week extended by three months the order freezing 16 bank accounts and five insurance policies belonging to former Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella and several members of his family. 

The order was issued taking into consideration evidence presented to the court by the CIABOC. Investigations are also underway on a large number of properties the former minister had allegedly acquired under the names of his closest associates.



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