The Legal Officers Association of the Attorney General's Department has come out strongly to defend recent action taken by the AG regarding cases.
The statement comes in the wake of recommendations to the CID regarding release of three suspects in a case related to the abduction of the driver of slain Editor Lasantha Wickrematunga and two others held responsible for loss of documents related to the former Editor.
It was widely misinterpreted that three suspects related to the murder were released.
The full statement by the Legal Officers follows:
The Legal Officers Association of the Attorney General's Department
Press Release
On this 12th day of February, 2025
The Legal Officers' Association of the Attorney General's Department expresses its deep concem over certain recent factually incorrect and misleading statements circulating in the media relating to the advice dated 27th January 2025 issued by the Hon. Attorney General.
The Association notes that the relevant procedures and practices in the Attorney General's Department have been strictly complied with in the matters relating to the said advice The relevant officers concerned had considered all the material facts and the law and had duly made their recommendations to discharge the three suspects who were the subject matter of the said advice. The Hon. Attorney General, after considering the same had agreed with the recommendations and thereafter proceeded to issue the relevant advice.
Taking decisions to forward indictments and discharge suspects, based on the material available, with dispassionate disregard to the political repercussions or public approval or disapproval of such decisions, is the hallmark of an independent Attorney General's Department.
The Association expresses its utmost confidence in the Hon. Attorney General, his decisions and in the officers involved in the relevant decision making process, and notes that they have done so exercising their independent professional judgement in accordance with the highest traditions of the Attorney General's Department.
The Legal Officer's Association emphatically wishes to state that they would not be hesitant to stand up and defeat any attempt to remove the Hon.Attorney General from his office.
Tashya Gajanayake
Acting Secretary
Legal Officers' Association
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