• Last Update 2024-07-22 10:58:00

Adverse weather causes havoc: Tri forces deployed


Many areas in the country have been affected by the prevailing adverse weather conditions. Heavy rainfall has caused flooding in several districts. The districts of Galle, Matara, Kalutara and Ratnapura are the worst affected so far.

All schools in the Sabaragamuwa province and the Galle district have been closed today owing to the inclement weather. The Army, Navy and Air Force have been mobilized to assist in the rescue operations in several districts. Naval boats and Air Force helicopters are also involved in operations to rescue those trapped by floodwaters.

The Kokmaduwa and Welipenna entrances on the Southern Expressway have been inundated due to floods. 

Meanwhile, vehicular movement along the Tangalle-Kataragama Road has also been hampered as an 8 kilometer stretch in Ranna is underwater. 

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