• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Another suspect in Kalutara prison bus attack nabbed


Another suspect has been taken into custody in connection with the February 27 attack on two prison buses at Ethanamadala in Kalutara. 

Police said the suspect was arrested last evening based on information conducted during further investigations and after analyzing CCTV footage. Seven persons - five prisoners and two prison guards, were killed in the February 27 attack. Prominent underworld leader 'Samayan' was among those killed. 

According to police, the suspect had been a motorcycle outrider providing guidence to the van used by the assailants who carried out the attack. He was arrested at around 1.30pm yesterday near the Balapitiya Magistrate's Court by officers from the Kalutara Division Crime Investigation Unit. He has now been handed over to the Kalutara North Police for further investigations. 

Further investigations into the suspect have revealed that he was a close associate of underworld gang leader 'Madhush.' He had been in prison for a string of crimes including mass distribution of heroin in Hikkaduwa and other areas, armed robbery and causing assault and grievous bodily harm. 

The 29-year-old suspect is a resident of Pannipitiya and Hikkaduwa. He is due to be produced before the Kalutara Magistrate's Court today. 

Kalutara suspect


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