• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

Baby elephant rescued on orders of Deputy Minister


A baby elephant illegally held by Ven Uduwe Dhammaloka thera was today taken into the custody of the Wildlife Department, officials said The elephants were taken into custody at Alanmethiniyaramaya temple, at Polhengoda, Narahenpita. Deputy Inspector General of Police Gamini Dissanayaka along with seven other policemen supported the team which carried out the raid. Deputy Minister of Tourism, Wasantha Senanayaka who ordered the raid also accompanied the officials who were involved in the raid. The subject of Wildlife now comes under the Tourism Ministry. Mr Senanayaka told Timesonline that they believe that over 100 other elephants are being held illegally without valid licenses.   Elephant 1 Elephant 2 Elephant 3

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