• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Compensation for Katukurunda boat tragedy victims


Cabinet approval has approved a proposal to award compensation to victims of the Katukurunda Boat tragedy in Beruwala. Accordingly, a sum of Rs.100,000 would be awarded for each of the deceased while Rs.20,000 will be given to each injured person, Minister of Disaster Management Anura Priyadarshana Yapa told Parliament today. 

Eleven people have so far been confirmed dead after a multi-day fishing trawler overturned during the annual St. Lazarus boat procession on Sunday. A total of 27 others were injured and admitted to hospital.

The Government says that the fishing trawler was not authorized to ferry passengers. 

Search operations are continuing to locate four persons who are still reported to be missing.  

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