• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

COVID-19 Update: 20 cases identified today, total cases at 330


A total of 20 new COVID-19 cases have been identified today (22), raising the number of confirmed cases in the country to 330. 

Those identified today include 11 residents of Beruwela who are undergoing quarantine at the Batticaloa quarantine centre, a Navy Sailor attached to the Welisara Naval Base who is being treated at the Polonnaruwa hospital and one individual from the Suduwella area in Ja Ela who is at the Oluvil quarantine centre.

Seven more COVID-19 patients were also identified late this evening. 

Meanwhile, the number of patients who have completely recovered from the disease and discharged from hospital has risen to 105. Seven patients have died from the disease. 

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