• Last Update 2024-09-10 13:31:00

Devolution must not exceed 1987 Amendment terms: MR


Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who four years back favoured the idea of ‘13 Amendment Plus’ to address the Tamil question, made it clear on Sunday that the scheme of devolution in the proposed Constitution should not exceed what was implemented under the Amendment of 1987.

He also called for re-examination of the arrangement of assigning to provincial councils the subjects of police and land under the Amendment though Tamil parties and groups had been complaining that provincial councils were yet to be given the powers.

As the Amendment was based on the 1987 agreement between India and Sri Lanka, New Delhi has been urging Colombo to ensure early and full implementation of the 13 Amendment. Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, meanwhile, said the unitary character of the country, as found in the existing Constitution, would not be disturbed. (The Hindu)

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