• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Drought causes drinking water shortages in Mannar


Former war displaced newly resettled in villages in Mannar complain that the prevailing drought conditions are making it increasingly difficult to find water for drinking and other essential activities. 

Residents in many villages in the Silawathura area are currently experiencing severe water shortages. 

The area has Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim families. However, water shortages mean that their daily lives are being affected and many are being faced to travel long distances to find water. Tanks and other sources of water in the immediate area have almost run dry. 

Residents also say they can't remember a time when there was such a severe water shortage at the start of the year, and are fearful that it portends that an extremely severe drought is on the way. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka




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