• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

Duminda questioned for eight hours by CID


Parliamentarian of Colombo District Duminda Silva was questioned by the Criminal Investigations Department over allegation of money laundering levelled by a notorious drug dealer for more than eight hours and released , a senior police officer said. The police said that Gampala Gnanalal ge Samantha Kumara known as “Wele Suda” an international drug dealer was arrested on January 12, 2015 who is being further questioned had made a statement implicating the MP. Two high courts have pending cases filed against him. CID had appointed a special team of officials to investigate the allegations made and so far have recorded 75 statements from various heads of state departments and Bank officials. Police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said that Wele Sudha had transactions with 82 banks and financial institutions. “Wele Suda’s statements had revealed about state officials and various people who are connected to alleged drug dealings including money transactions with Duminda Silva’, SSP Rohana said. Police sources said that the question of the MP had ended around 4.30 p.m

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