• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Elephant who killed woman captured in Sooriyawewa


The wild elephant who killed a 42-year-old woman in Meegahajadura, Sooriyawewa yesterday has been captured after an operation launched by wildlife officiers.  

After the elephant killed the mother of one yesterday, villagers appealed to officials to intervene and prevent a further tragedy. Accordingly, personnel from wildlife offices of Hambantota, Udawalawa, Lunugamvehera and Kalametiya together with a veterinarian launched a day-long operation to corner and capture the elephant. 

Officers had to tranqualize the animal four times before it was finally brought down. 

The elephant, standing about eight feet tall, is estimated to be about 20 years of age. It was later moved to the Horowpathana elephant holding center, which now houses 19 elephants. 

Story and Pix by Rahul Samantha Hettiarachchi in Hambantota


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