• Last Update 2024-09-10 13:31:00

EU welcomes Lanka's progress on governance and human rights


The European Union (EU) welcomed the significant progress made in the country since the new government came to office in January last year, a joint statement said.

The Working Group on Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights under the European Union-Sri Lanka Joint Commission concluded its first meeting in Colombo yesterday. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo with the participation of senior officials from Sri Lanka and the European Union. 

The delegation of the European Union was led by Ms. Paola Pampaloni, Head of Division, Asia and the Pacific Department of the European External Action Service. The Sri Lanka delegation was led by A.L.A. Azeez, Director-General for European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka.

"The meeting provided a welcome opportunity to engage in an open and constructive dialogue, reflecting on concerns, best practices, trends and developments in the areas of human rights, the rule of law and governance. The EU welcomed the significant progress made in many areas, including the passing of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and subsequent operationalisation of independent commissions, the standing invitation extended to all UN Special Procedure Mandate Holders, the signing of the Convention on Enforced Disappearances, and significant improvements concerning media freedom." it said.

Discussions also extended to consideration of progress and remaining challenges on issues such as freedom of expression and media, strengthening of civil society, rights of women and children, rights of minorities, labour rights, migration, implementation of the treaty obligations and the rule of law. The EU also highlighted the importance of addressing  human rights issues, including sexual and gender based violence, torture, and the protection of persons belonging to minority groups, as well as the need to  combat corruption.

The parties agreed on a series of actions for follow-up at the next Joint Commission meeting later in the year. The EU and Sri Lanka agreed that the next Working Group meeting would be held in Brussels within twelve months.

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