• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

Four asylum seekers transferred at sea to Sri Lankan authorities


Four Srilankan asylum seekers have been transferred at sea to the  Lankan authorities after their vessel was intercepted, foreign media reported. The boat was intercepted earlier this month north west of the Cocos Islands. The Sri Lankan asylum seekers were interviewed at sea by border protection personnel to determine if they were refugees and in need of Australia’s protection. The interviews were then assessed by senior officials at the Department of Immigration. “All four illegal maritime arrivals were found eligible for return, consistent with Australia’s non-refoulement obligations,” a release by immigration minister Peter Dutton’s office said. “All persons aboard the [vessel] were safe and accounted for at all times and at no stage was the vessel in distress.” “By working closely with our regional partners we save lives at sea and prevent vulnerable people being lied to and ripped off by people smugglers,” Dutton said in a statement. “The Coalition government’s policies and resolve are stopping illegal boat arrivals and are restoring integrity to Australia’s borders and immigration programme. Anyone attempting to enter Australia illegally by sea will never be resettled in this country,” Dutton said.

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