• Last Update 2024-09-04 18:15:00

G ment seeks supplementary estimate of Rs.134 to pay for MPs office maintenance


The Government today submitted a supplementary estimate to Parliament yesterday amounting to Rs. 134 million to pay Rs 100,000 per month per MP to maintain an office.

Each MP is entitled for an allowance of Rs 100,000 to maintain an office this amounts to Rs 22,500,000 for all 25 MPs.

 The yesterday’s allocation is intended to reimburse the payments already made. The allowance is paid in accordance with a Cabinet decision made on Dec 07, 2016.

The supplementary allocation was submitted by Leader of the House, Highways and Higher Education Minister Lakshman Kiriella.

The estimate submitted by the minister also seeks the approval for a sum of Rs 98 million (98,938,310) to cover the expenses of purchasing a vehicle for the Minister overseeing the Department of Project Management and Monitoring of National Policies and Economic Affairs, to renovate the houses of Minister of Public Enterprise Development and the Leader of the Opposition.


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