• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

GMOA warns of massive strike over SAITM next week


The Government Medical Officers' Association (GMOA) is threatning to launch the biggest island-wide strike in the country seen in recent times next week in protest at the Government's failure to resolve issues surrounding the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) in Malabe. 

GMOA Secretary Dr. Naveen de Zoysa said the union has given the Government till April 3 (Monday) to address their demands. "If they fail to do so, we will launch an island-wide trade union action anytime within the next week," he warned. Dr. de Zoysa further said the GMOA had the support of some 65 trade unions in this matter. They include trade unions in the banking sector, ports, Customs, inland revenue and transport. Additionally, many unions from the health sector would also take part in the trade union action, he revealed. 

He said the GMOA would be deciding next week whether the trade union action will be a token strike or a continuous one. 

The GMOA Secretary said there were five key demands that the association wanted addressed. Accordingly, the Government should immediately gazette the minimum standards of medical education, legalize the Sri Lanka Medical Council's (SLMC) decision on SAITM, revoke the degree awarding status afforded to SAITM, stop further recruitment of students to SAITM and provide solutions to issues faced by current SAITM students. 

Dr. de Zoysa stressed the GMOA had given the Government  "more than enough time" since January 31 to resolve these issues. However, the Government seemed only interested in buying time, he observed. 

However, he said the GMOA was still open for discussions with authorities to find solutions to the above issues before next Monday's deadline. 

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