• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Govt offers cash rewards for illegal firearms


Cash rewards will be offered for illegal firearms handed over to authorities during the general amnesty period due to begin next week, the Defence Ministry announced today. The amnesty is due to run from April 25 to May 6. 

The cash rewards are being awarded as an incentive to persuade holders of illegal firearms to hand them over, the Ministry added. 

Accordingly, a reward of Rs.5000 will be paid for all shotguns or similar firearms such as Gal Katas or trap guns. Anyone handing over a pistol/revolver will be paid Rs.10,000 while authorities will pay Rs.25,000 for a T 56 weapon. 

While the amnesty is in effect, members of the public who are in possession of any illegal firearms can hand them over to the nearest District Secretariat, Divisional Secretariat or police station during office hours on weekdays. 

Any person who hands over such a firearm during this period will not be subjected to a fine or other form of punishment stipulated under Section 22 of the Firearms Ordinance. 

The Ministry however, warned that extensive search operations will be launched after the amnesty ends on May 6 to locate illegal firearms and those found to be in possession of such weapons after the general amnesty period will be severely dealt with according to the law. 


Defence Secretary Karunasena Hettiarachchi (Center) speaking at today's press briefing held at the Media Center of the Ministry of Defence. Others in the picture are (from left) Senior DIG Nandana Munasinghe (Crimes/Traffic/Legal and Narcotics), Jagath P. Wijeweera (Secretary - Ministry of Law & Order and Southern Development), J.J. Rathnasiri (Secretary - Ministry of Home Affairs), N.G. Panditharathne (Additional Secretary - Civil Society and Development, Ministry of Defence) and Brigediar Jayanath Jayaweera (Military Spokesman) 

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