• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Govt. rehabilitate 20 highways


The Government is to rehabilitate 20 highways around the country at an estimated cost of Rs.58 billion within the next three years. About 7900 km of highways of a total length of 12,210 km of highways have already been rehabilitated and about 4300 km are to be rehabilitated. 

Accordingly, it has been planned to rehabilitate 20 highways of A and B classes with a total length of 564.53 km at an estimated cost of Rs. 58 billion within the next three years. 

Considering the importance of capacity development of local contractors and the ability to use domestic funds through local banks the proposal made by Lakshman Kiriella, Minister of Higher Education and Highways, to call for proposals from interested local companies under the Swiss Challenge procurement method, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

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